The Furry Chronicles Headline Animator

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why Furry's don't do the "C" word...

Hi everyone, its Wednesday afternoon, and its time to invoke the SOP’s & for any newbies reading this for the first time, I’ll explain ‘em to you. Those who want a drink, glasses in the cupboard, coffee mugs next to ‘em, kettle on the bench, white wine & the milk are in the fridge, red in the pantry, bourbon in the cupboard, ice in the freezer.

While you’re up, some one grab Uncle Furry a big glass, chuck in ½ a dozen ice cubes, fill it up with bourbon. Pull up a bit of floor & relax for another installment of the Furry Chronicles. Those who smoke, outside & well away from me.

Today for some reason I’ve got a huge “Jones” on for a smoke, even though what happened recently is still very fresh in my mind, today I feel like I really could go one.

Relax all; the stats are enough to keep the urge in check though. Lets see if I got this right, 25% of the people who have had this sort of heart attack have a second (which is normally fatal) with in the next 5 years. Those who return to smoking, 50% will have another heart attack & of them, 50% will be fatal. So yeah, the urge is kept at bay.

Anywho, today’s story is why Furry’s don’t knit, sew or do that other “C” word, (crocheting). It dates back to when I was younger, (Year 9), back when it was a High School, not a College as they are called today). And the school I went to is today, still a shithole in the middle of a shitheap suburb. It’s nice to know that some things will never EVER change.

Now, it was decided that boys needed to learn “new” skills. Things like typing were offered to the lads, (please note I took up typing, it was a great way of chatting up girls with little or no “competition”). And may I say, to this day I’m not an exceptionally quick typer, but it was a “target rich” environment, that’s for sure.

Other skills that were foolishly made “compulsory” were things like wood & metal work for the girls, home economics (cooking), needle craft (sewing, knitting & crocheting) for the boys.

Well, “Blind Freddie” could have seen this had disaster written all over it. There was the normal cuts from sheet metal, that was a given, and the occasional chisel wound, that was going to happen regardless. It was cooking where we young lads excelled.

I think the very first sign that there was a flaw in this wonderful idea was the knife fight in class between two young rivals. Who knew that celery was such an important commodity? I suppose it is when you’re making vegetable soup.

The second sign that unfortunately went under the radar was one of the boys was carrying a huge pot full of (thankfully cold) vegetable soup, slipped on something on the floor & went “arse over head”.

Now we have a couple of kids, completely covered in, (or wearing, a very stylish, off the shoulder) soup. Well, we were all in teams of three, so an argument is raging between teammates as to “who the fuckwit was who” spilled whatever that caused this disaster to occur.

Well, one of the team cracks the shits, slams the griller closed on the oven/stove combination. Normally all good, but did I mention we were making cheese on toast to accompany our soup?

Well, a tea towel is thrown in disgust on top of the stove, also during a very “firey” debate. At about this point, the teacher has now disbanded the three-man team. About 5 minutes later, no sooner has someone said, “Do you smell something burning?”

When all of a sudden we have a gas stove fully engulfed in flames. The teacher fainted & it was left to about 8 kids to carry her out, (she was a good teacher, this is obvious, if she’d been crap, we would’ve left her behind). Some one raised the alarm & soon there were about 10 fire engines all for us.

Yep, there was an investigation & it all seemed to be a case of shit happens. Well home economics for the whole school was put on hold until the damage to the classroom could be repaired. (My mates & I were yet to take out the record for the most amount of damage done in the shortest amount of time).

So, now all our attention was focused squarely on our newest love, Needlework. Yeah you’re right, I’m bull shitting. Needlework was nowhere near a much fun as pottery.

Why was pottery fun? We would deliberately make air pockets in our pottery so as they would explode in the kiln. Throw lumps of clay at each other’s head, or put the clay off centre on the wheel, dial it up to full bore & see if you could “nail your mate in the nuts” as he was walking past. The last one really was Russian roulette.

Sometimes the clay found its desired target, others it got you.

Anyway, back to needle work, in the first couple of days we hand stitched bits of cloth together. There were the normal injuries, and we discovered if you got an injury, you were sent to the sick bay for a band-aid. This was great, it gave you a chance to nick off & grab a mid class smoke, and that my friend, made you uber cool.

Crocheting was quite dangerous. No really it was. No I agree, the “normal way” is quite safe, but our method, left a little to be desired. You know the hook thingy, well we’d sharpen them up on the concrete, and during class, fire them from rubber bands into the roof. The person who got it to stick in the roof, the highest, was the winner.

The problem is, they ricochet, like a bastard, off just about anything. As such, they quite often had a bit of a mind of their own.

Anyway, this particular day we graduated to sewing machines. I was a bit pissy because I wanted to piss off for a mid class smoke & that wasn’t going to happen now.

Before it was easy to accidentally, (on purpose), prick you finger on a needle, but now, for fuck sake, these things meant business. So I argued with my mate to go first so I could “nick out” of class when I’d finished.

Well he was also a bit pissy with me because he wanted to do similar. I was still arguing with him, looking backwards over my shoulder, when all of a sudden his face dropped. I looked around & I’d inadvertently sewn ½ way down my pointer finger to the webbing at the base of my thumb on my right hand.

Now I was really fucked, he was laughing, (read pissing himself laughing), and my right hand was pinched under the foot thing near the needle, the needle was down through the skin & the scissors were about a foot away, also on my right hand side.

So, I manually wound the needle up, released the foot thing, got the scissors & cut the thread. Wandering up to the teacher I’ve said, “Um excuse me miss, we have a bit of an issue”.

“Oh, what is it now” she snapped back before she’s actually turned around. There was me with my hand outstretched & a bit of fabric looking like it was sitting happily on my palm. “Well what is it?” she snapped again, this time I turned my hand over, gave it a shake or two & looked back at her.

It was sensational! Her eyes rolled back, her knees came together & she went down like a bag of spuds, (potatoes). Well, we dragged her to the sick bay as well. It was all-good. I got the fabric removed, didn’t need stitched, already had ‘em, HA HA HA HA. The teacher, she did however. In her haste to meet Mr Floor she hit her head on the desk & needed about 15 just above her eye.

Well there was one more incident that saw boys being sent back to metal & woodwork & girls returning to home economics & needlework. Unfortunately it really wasn’t funny at all. A young lass was using a lathe to buff, (polish) a piece of metal, (as done a thousand times before & since).

It got progressively hotter & she decided to hold it with her metal work apron. One of the ties on the apron wrapped around the spindle of the lathe, the other was around her thumb and WHOOMP, no more skin left on her thumb. It was re-attached but was never quiet the same.

Please don’t think I’m saying boys can do this & girls can't do that or that there are clear lines of demarcation. There isn’t. What the story is about is that it was just a series of unfortunate events, most could have been avoided if there was better supervision, and others if I’d been a little more focused.

Anyway, that’s it for today. Have a great weekend

Heaps of love & cuddles

Uncle Furry.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bob's yer Uncle!!!

G’day all, Uncle Furry here.

It's Friday afternoon in Melbourne so it's time to assume the SOP, (standard operating procedures). Those who have weak pelvic floors, off you go to the potty, we don’t want puddles should you laugh.

Those who want a drink, glasses in the cupboard, coffee mugs next to ‘em, kettle on the bench, white wine & the milk are in the fridge, red in the pantry, bourbon in the cupboard, ice in the freezer. While you’re up, some one grab Uncle Furry a big glass, chuck in ½ a dozen ice cubes, fill it up with bourbon, grab me an ashtray & my smokes. Pull up a bit of floor & relax.

Listen, important announcement before we start, any pissing & griping about passive smoking, I’m there with you, these fuckers cost me a fortune, so if you’re passively smoking, stop winging & chuck some money on the table, it’s about time you paid your way.

I was going to write a whole story about how PG & I met, our first coffee, first date, and when I crashed, (not fell) in love with her. I’d better get that flight plan approved before I try & float that one.

Today’s story is about when I was the tender age of 16. Some one at work today said, “Bob’s your uncle”. It’s an Aussie saying, it means everything is OK or going according to plan. Well, that invoked some memories.

Furry had an Uncle Bob & he live in Darwin. Uncle Bob was a plumber, had a couple of blokes working for him. He always complained about the indigenous people being lazy, yet, in the 6 weeks I was up there, I never saw him open the tool box, let alone use a spanner, not once.

I remember the first couple of days there, we’d go around checking his blokes were working & giving them new jobs to go on to. People would yell, “Bob, when are ya gunna fix me dunny, fuck ya, there’s shit everywhere!”
(translation “Excuse me Bob old chap, when do you think you’d be available for repair my toilet? It is in quiet a state of disrepair”).

Well Bob really didn’t have the right to speak ill of the activities (or lack there off) of our indigenous people, because his answer was always, “Aw for fucks sake Bill, I’m under the pump, I’m as busy as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition. Even flown me apprentice nephew up from Melbourne, I’ll fucken get there when I get there, alright?” (Translation. “Terribly sorry old boy, currently we are experiencing a workload far in excess of our resources, I’ve even had to source semi-skilled labour from interstate to cover off the minor issues & assist in the short term. We have identified your situation as a high priority & we will be there in the very near future to rectify the situation, Cheers”).

Anyway, after a couple of days Uncle Bob said, “Look fuck ‘em, I’m sick of being busy, I’m always fucken busy, run off me legs all the time, let’s relax & go camping”. This scared me, any more relaxed & Bob would need a respirator!

Anyway we (read ME),
load up the Ute with swags , food, fishing rods & dog. Uncle Bob then recommends I choose a gun from the “storage room”, (which was basically a complete room converted into a gun safe. There were more weapons than the Australian Army has access to!)

Anyway I chose a .375 H&H magnum (something not to dissimilar to a howitzer in calibre) because it was basically the biggest gun I could carry.

Off we go to Kakadu, & I’m assuming just about everyone knows where I’m talking. We set up camp on the first night there, on the fork where two rivers converge.

I’m a little concerned because on the other bank is a “large” croc, (read about 24 foot long & he’d lost about the last 3 feet of tail in a blue) so yes, he’s a little large!

Uncle Bob is quiet cool about it all, “They’re territorial, and so if he’s there, there’s no more about to worry us”.

Well we’d wade down to the water, slop through nearly waist deep in mud, throw in the prawn net, catch the prawns & use them as bait for Barramundi (a great eating & fighting fish), all the time making sure the croc was in eyeshot.

On the third day, the dog “disappeared”, and I can only assume he became a “munchies” for the croc.

On about the fifth night, we are sleeping under the stars, as per normal, and about 4 – 5 foot apart, when suddenly; Uncle Bob smacks me in the ear.
I’m assuming its because I’m snoring, I sit up, ready to return the “favour” when I notice something moving between the two of us.

Frozen by absolute fear I realise it’s the croc, he’d come into the campsite to eat our food scraps.

I spent the rest of the night sitting bolt upright in my swag, flinching at every single noise. Come daylight I drag out the gun/howitzer & put a round into the head of the croc on the opposite bank.

Uncle Bob runs up, “What the fuck are ya doin’, their protected!’ “Nowhere as much a me” is my reply. So we decide its time to pack up & skip off before a ranger turns up & charges us with shooting a protected animal.

On the way home, Uncle Bob declares, “I know this place where we can go Buff hunting”, now I was a little skeptical because in Aussie slang Buff means naked! A
s fond of Uncle Bob as I was, hunting naked was a “getting a little to close for my liking”

It turned out he meant Buffalo hunting (Asian variety which are a feral animals in Australia). So off we go looking for a buff buff, (a naked buffalo? Or hunting a buff in the buff? I’m still a little concerned).

We are hiding along the back of a billabong when this old male buff comes down the bank for a drink. He is many, many years old & had a great rack, (again according to Uncle Bob, which confused me further because in Aussie slang I knew that rack meant tits, and wasn’t he a bull?) In this case, it turned out, Uncle Bob meant horns.

So, there is the poor creature. Bent down having a drink, me sighting him up through the scope on the rifle, the cross hairs resting just below the ear, slowly increasing the pressure on the trigger, expecting any second the gun to explode & the recoil of this cannon to land me back in Melbourne.

All of a sudden the water “boils” around his head, and scares the shit out of me.
A croc had leapt out of the water & had grabbed him around the head. Now normally the croc would roll, twisting the animal off balance, causing him to fall, then drag the poor creature into the water & drown him.

Well the poor croc confused ambition with ability on that fateful day;
instead, the Buff dropped his head down & charged, trampling the croc on the bottom of the riverbed. The buff continued to trample the croc until it either died or got the fuck outta there.

Either way, the Buff walked out of the Billabong, looking back over his shoulder as much to say, “You, me, carpark, NOW”, (Aussie slang for “let’s fight”).

Uncle Bob was nudging me going “go on, go on take a shot”.
All I could see in my minds eye was, me, after all the excitement, misplacing the shot, the Buffalo looking down where the bullet had struck him, dusting the area off with his hoof, looking back up to me with absolute hatred in his eyes & saying, “Right! Fuck it! That’s it! This was me good suit & you’ve put a fucken great big bloody hole in it! I’m gonna cane your arse ‘til your nose bleeds!”

So I did what any self respecting, unafraid, virile, strapping young Furry would do when faced with what was probably the equivalent of a runaway, totally out of control, pissed off Mack truck with PMS.

I hid! I made me really, REALLY small. Furry might be smart like rock, strong like tractor, (really big tractor but), and Furry might be able to lift heavy rocks over his head & chuck ‘em really far, but he’s not fucken stupid!

Sometimes it’s smarter to get real small & keep real quiet.

The drive home was pleasantly uneventful, well apart from the 3 ‘roos we hit, and crashing the Ute into a lamppost, (after only being on the sealed road for 50 yards).

See what happens is ‘roos move around at night & are hard to see as the come in from the side as you drive along.

The lamppost situation is common because you’d drive some 700 miles on dirt & dust roads, where there is no speed limit. You turn well before the corner & drift through the corners like a Rally driver.

When you hit the sealed road, you use the same technique, and unfortunately the sealed road offer a far greater degree of grip &, well, the car turns where you point it, not where you wanted it. Resulting in BANG, you win! You just bagged yourself a lamppost!

Yep, Uncle Bob definitely supplied me with a “quiet” time camping & for this I was very thankful. Who knows, if it was “eventful” the excitement might have killed me!

Have a fun weekend all; I’m off to protect PG’s roses from the marauding possum

Thursday, October 18, 2007

When do Furries get interested in blowin' shit up??

Hi all, It’s Friday afternoon in good ol’ Melbourne town. I’m feeling really fucked today, so, to entertain my small brain, there is going to be an imaginary change to the SOP’s this week. Instead of being on the floor at “The house of Fur & Purple love” (suburb residence), I’m imagining it at “Chez Fur” (beach house).

I’m also imagining it finished (like that’s ever gonna happen), so ….. It’s time to assume the SOP, (standard operating procedures but different location). The SOP’s are,

Those who have weak pelvic floors, off you go to the potty; we don’t want puddles should you laugh. Those who want a drink, glasses in the cupboard, coffee mugs next to ‘em, kettle on the bench, white wine & the milk are in the fridge, red in the pantry, bourbon in the cupboard, ice in the freezer.

While you’re up, some one grab Uncle Furry a big glass, chuck in ½ a dozen ice cubes, fill it up with bourbon Pull up a bit of floor & relax.

Grab my smokes, & smoke ‘em if you got ‘em, yeah, yeah, Uncle Furry is lacking self control & discipline, yeah, yeah, keep whingeing, I’m listening, yeah, yeah, take a sip from the cup of “shut the fuck up” and let me get back to my story.

People, especially here, wonder, “when do Furry’s become interested in things that go BOOM?” Honestly, there isn’t a point where one goes, “Hey wait a minute, I’m interested”

It’s more like experiences like the one below that join with other experiences, that eventually become part of a stock pile, that eventually become an interest.

I mean, Sir Hilary, a great man, very intelligent, climbed Everest because it was “there”. (He’s not a Furry though, actually he’s a bit of a pussy. He wore all that winter gear. Ask PG what I wear in winter, I mean, it would have been far easier to fly over Everest.

So, based on that rationale, Furry’s blow shit up, because, well it’s there. Sure it’s easier to walk around it, but, NOWHERE near as noisy!)

Now, when Furry was a young lad, (Furry under development), he went to a not so classy secondary school. Today it’s called, “Noble Park Secondary College”, in my day, it was Noble Park High.

It’s in a Southern suburb of Melbourne, and was in those days, a shit hole, and probably still is today. I was at school when we called it Forms, not Years, and, as my 16 yo loves to tell me, that was in the period after Margaret Thatcher, but prior to Jurassic Dinosaurs.

Well I was in form 3D in the last year there. (That was prior to me being asked to leave, because I was such a good student). Form 3D was the dumping ground for a variety of “naughty” lads (all 32 of us), and 4 unfortunate lassies, (this was a real shock, and these girls were really well behaved before they got into Form 3D).

To give you an indication of how bad this place was, the Police turned up to school in a Ford XB interceptor (THE ultimate in pursuit cars at the time) because one of our classmates got busted shoplifting & wagging class.

Well my best mate Paul had dented his mother’s XB boot lid when he closed it with the lawn mower not properly stowed. He was threatened with the cost of repairing “such damage”. Well, the Police car exactly the same colour, and therefore, the boot lid was quickly relocated to Paul’s mum’s car, at no cost to Paul.

The Headmaster (called Principle now days) was quite animated about the attack on “socially acceptable moral standards” at next Monday’s assembly. Demands were made that the culprits come forward, or, their identities be disclosed to a teaching staff member.

Well that never happened, and we just saw it as Paul saving some cash. And Paul’s mum stopped nagging about the damage, so where was the problem? Hey, we even got a special treat for fixing the car, so again, where’s the issue?

Further, we’ve all had partners in crime. Well Paul was mine. A classic example was Paul’s dad used to get really pissy about next-door's homing pigeons shitting on the garage roof. The guttering would block when it rained. So we took it upon ourselves to “assist” in the issue.

We got seed, mixed it with some of Paul’s dad’s Vodka, (his nightly drink), and feed it to the birds. We’d do this on a Saturday, sell the birds on a Sunday at Dandenong market, the birds would sober up & all be back home by Wednesday night. At $5 a pop, almost every weekend, for about 20 birds at a time, we cleaned up big time.

Oh yeah, we convinced Paul’s dad that Vodka can & does evaporate when the seal is broken.

Now, Furry was then, and previously, and still is, the class clown. It was the first week of the very new school year; we were in Science for the first time. We had a teacher called Mr W. Mr W was a huge (exceptionally tall & broad). Now Mr W had a speech impediment, and Furry was copying him.

His issue was “S”; he pronounced it as “SH”. So “sit down” was hysterical. So, here was young Furry, being a smart arse, mimicking poor Mr W, when all of a sudden Mr W roared “Are you taking the pish out of me shun?” (Translation are you taking the piss out of me son?) The class fell completely quiet, sure that the young Furry’s life was about to be terminated.

Well fearing for my life, (did I mention he was a big son of a bitch?) with MR W glaring at me, I answered the only way any self-respecting, close to imminent death, Furry could.

“Shit no shir, itsh an shpeach inpediment & actually I’m quite embarreshed about it”, and with fluttering doe eyes Mr W melted. “Well shit down shun & shtop shtuffing around”.

Now, I’ve matured a lot since then, and don’t EVER make light of someone else’s plight. But now, I had now created a rod for my own back, for every time I spoke to Mr W, I had to have a speech impediment.

So, to make matters worse, I had to interact with Mr W on his own, because I didn’t have this impediment anywhere else. So in his class, I HAD to behave myself, because the “Bertrum Cruiser” & “The Hunter” (nicks for the Assistant & Headmaster at the time) knew exactly how I spoke, so the gig would be up.

Anyway, this particular day we were, (Paul, myself & two other unfortunate souls), had a series of practical experiments to do. Very strict guidelines needed to be adhered to ensure that there was no contamination of results.

Well, and this was when I was a little disrespectful of the fairer sex, took this opportunity to, well, ummm, try (unsuccessfully) to get into the pants of one of the 4 young ladies in my class.

Well, there we all were, typical little males, sniffing around when Mr W announced, “You boysh, have you finished your exshperimentsh yet?”, “No shir” I replied, “”How many have you done?” asked the increasingly annoyed Mr W. “We’re closh to finishing our firsht one shir” was my answer. “Well you’d all better shtop shtuffing around or you’ll go fucken hungry at luncsh time, caush thatsh when you’ll finish them!” was his agitated reply. “FUCK, we got ten minutsh,” said I and we launched into action.

The required “strict guidelines” were slightly adjusted. Instead of scraping the plate clean, washing it thoroughly, using ethanol to dry it & then doing the next experiment, with very carefully measured quantities, we just kept piling chemicals on top of each other & heating the shit out it as quickly as possible.

Now the normal method of heating was a Bunsen burner under the plate, because we had so much shit piled on the plate, we heated it with flame, from above.

At, or about experiment # 7 out of 12, there were 4 Furrys crowded around the prac, scribbling furiously, with one of us with the Bunsen burner in hand heating, when we heard, “Cool, look at the purple & green fluoro smoke”. Three heads lifted at exactly the same time & BOOM!

There was a huge scorch on the roof, 13 lower level windows were blown out, 7 upper level windows blown out, and 7 special glass display windows were shattered.

Across the classroom were 4 Furrys, school jumpers smoldering, no eyelashes, hair smoldering, and faces black as the “ace of Spades”. Deathly quiet descended, “Cough, cough” was heard from one of the Furry’s & then, these words of wisdom from me …………

“Fuck me, that wash great, did anyone get the reshipe”, Mr W’s reply was sensational. “You’ve fucked it now boysh, itsh off to “The Hunter” you go”. Well, if I remember correctly that was 2 weeks suspension, and $3,000 damage to the Science wing.

That’s when I realised; I could blow shit up, without even trying.

Have a great weekend, it’s 3.30pm in Melbourne & at 4.00pm I’m outta here.

Big, BIG kisses

Uncle Furry.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is that Thunder?? and DON'T WHIZZ ON AN ELECTRIC FENCE!!!

As in previous posts we’ve chatted about my father’s land up at Dargo. We’ll we’d met our neighbour, Mr T who was “just next door”, (read a 5 mile walk along the road or 3 miles through the paddocks)

Now we came to a barter agreement very quickly, we had a natural spring on our property, which became a lovely little creek that never dried up. We also had access to the State Forrest, because there was no need to run a fence along that part of the property.

Well Mr T had horses, and it was ideal for them, heaps of land for them to run around on, a fresh continuous water supply & lots & lots of grass.

My gain for the deal was, Mr T would find me a “good” horse, negotiate a “brilliant” price. He’d look after it, shoe it, medication & teach me “horsemanship.

In return, his horses would be have free run on our property, at no cost. We, (the junior Furrys & I), would keep a watchful eye on the horses & if we saw anything out of the ordinary, we’d tell Mr T & he’d come out & check it out.

Explain to us what it was, whether it was a concern or not, and if it was what needed to be done to remedy the situation and the ill effects if it went untreated.

It should be noted, at the time Mr T was about 70, chain-smoked hand rolled cigarettes, had been on the land all his life. He was as fit as a mountain goat and would consistently walk up hills leaving 4 struggling Furryies, who were at least 50 plus years his junior, in his wake gasping for air.

He taught us all sorts of horsemanship over the years with him. He was the first to spend time with furry teaching him how to read animal tracks & what signs to look for when tracking. He was of the old school & not very different to Poppa L.

Anyway, the boys had implemented the SOP’s for the first full day up at Dargo. That was, to check the water in the tanks, pump up water from the creek if required, ensure there was sufficient wood, and then check on the horses. We normally just jumped on the bikes & rode up into the State Forrest.

This particular day, we found a horse blanket, so it was decided that we needed to return it to Mr T ASAP, as winter was fast approaching, and we didn’t want any horses to catch a cold.

So back down to the cabin we go, tell the furry parents where we’re going & ride our bikes down to the front gate with our dog ,Patchette in hot pursuit.

See we found Patchette wandering the streets near home, and the youngest “dragged” her home & with the dog standing there with bleeding paws announced, “Can we keep her, she followed me home!”

Mum said ok & what should we call her, we all said patch, because she had patches & mum decided it wasn’t lady enough for a female, hence the French slant of Patchette.

I think my mum might have got one too many hits to the head with the race track while racing 750cc Mach III Kawasaki’s in the 70’s.

So anywho, we parked our bikes, crossed the road & looked around the paddock for Tiny. We were always a little concerned when Tiny was “in town”.

Tiny was just your average Brahma Bull, tipping the scales at some 20 tonnes, (you think I’m exaggerating don’t ya? Aussie humour requires something called Tiny to be FUCKEN HUGE!). He was so large he had his own postcode.

So, Tiny was nowhere to be seen so off through the paddocks we go. We’re all wandering, chatting, laughing. The dog found a fresh cowpat & rolled around in it.

There was heaps of hoo-har about it all. In the lapse in the conversation & all the laughter a faint rumbling sound was heard. All the boys looked skyward, as it was quite a regular occurrence to get high altitude military aircraft flying over our property.

Even the dog was looking skywards, (stuffed if I know why) as we scanned the heavens looking for the plane & its telltale vapour trails.

Nothing, strange, & the sky was clear, so could it be thunder? Steadily the “thunder” got loader, & quizzically all looked at each other when Furry #3 eyes suddenly looked like something from a Ren & Stimpy cartoon, in as much, they almost leapt out of his head.

Next, he clearly pronounced “FUCK” at the top of his voice & turning we saw Tiny now cresting the top of a small rise, in top gear, bearing down on us.

It resembled something similar to a cartoon, all of a sudden, ZAP, all five of us were gone, in different direction, and heading for the safety of the nearest fence line, and all that remained was our outlines in dust.

There was no strategy to my decision, just to run. I also had the horse blanket under my arm, which I held firmly, (probably in sheer terror), now felt like it had the aerodynamics of a parachute on a drag car.

Well all the Furryies made it to the safety of a) an electric fence & b) an actual fence line with barbed wire, all except me. I’d inadvertently chosen the longest path to run, about 2 miles.

I could hear Tiny getting closer, I could FEEL Tiny getting closer, (I reckon I could feel his hot breath on my arse), and I could hear my little brothers screaming he was getting closer, even the dog was barking! (I think it may have been her method of giving me the last rites).

All I could hear was the thunderous sound of Tiny getting so loud I thought I’d explode, and the fence line seemed frozen in the distance. Running my absolute guts out I cleared the electric fence and one desperate leap, landing one foot on a fence corner straining post and leaping ½ way up the embankment before hearing the WHOOOMP of Tiny hitting the huge post I’d just cleared.

Tiny quickly retreated, after some huffing & hoofing the ground & glaring at me, because he was getting zapped by the electric fence.

I laid there, heart almost leaping out of my chest, and the first of the furry brothers started to arrive. One said, “I thought you were fucked!” all I could do was nod in agreement.

The other, “Shit you can jump”, again, just a nod. Furry #2, (the deaf one) signed, “That was cool” & got the middle finger extended in reply.

After gathering myself & the remnants of my dignity we tramped off to Mr T’s house & returned via the road. It was decided a 5 mile walk required less energy that a 3-mile run of fear.

I also had a very strong respect & like of electric fences, in fact at that point, I liked electric fences very much.

The love for electric fences changed about 2 weeks later. I’ve mentioned that Father Furry wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed (not exceptionally clever) and sometimes thought Manual Labour was a Mexican Tennis star (was a bit lazy).

We were out spotlight & shooting a variety of feral animals (pigs) on our property one Saturday night when Furry needed to “take a leak”.

So off the back of the Ute, and facing a tree, furry lets rip. Well father furry had ran out of insulated, glow in the dark stakes that are normally used when operating a electric fence & simply nailed the insulators for the electric fence onto the tree.

Well furry whizzed on the electric fence & that was it. Unable to stop the flow, received a 12 volt kick, kick, kick to the “boy bits” until I collapsed on the ground, sure that every drop of liquid had been completely drained from my body, (that included blood, brain fluid, tears, everything).

No real damage other than passing blood for the next week. So, you see why my father & I had issues, many, many issues.

Anyway, I’m off, have a great weekend & DON’T PISS ON AN ELECTRIC FENCE! IT’S NO FUN, TRUST ME!


Uncle Furry.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Furry discovers Little Furry's don't float!!!

Hi everyone, grab a cup of your favourite beverage, (while your at it could someone pour me a bourbon), and get to a comfy seat. For it's that time of the week where Uncle Furry gives valuable lessons in child up-bringing.

As some of you are aware, Furry comes from a family of four furry boys; Uncle furry is the eldest, with a 5, 7 & 9 year gap. My parents were busy running their motorcycle shop & Nanna & Poppa K looked after the boys on the weekends, starting Friday night.

Poppa K was a piss head (alcoholic),
and Nanna K was a drama queen. I mean, she was always flying into a panic about things, while Poppa was normally fairly calm, (that comes from being permanently hammered I guess).

Furry was 11, furry #2 was 6, Furry # 3 was 4 & smallest furry (#4) was 2 1/2. This particular day we decided to build our own parachute. Now, furry had become a lot smarter that the earlier days (refer to the tree climbing story) and wasn't going to take any unnecessary risks.

We decided that if we "stepped" up the weight as we went along, then we'd find the point where the newly designed "bed sheet" parachute went from a gentle landing to a "rough" landing

Well, furry #4 was made to stand still, a belt was then tightened around his waist, and then from the belt, ropes were tied and carefully measured & cut to length. Then one by one, they were tied to the knotted end of the bed sheet. The belt was then removed & we all climbed up on to the roof of the carport, (which used to house a very large truck)

Gathering at the edge, Furry #4 was re-belted. Great care was taken to make sure the ropes were aligned; the furry #4 was coaxed to jump off the carport.
Now the other furries (1, 2 & 3) weren't stupid you know.

We knew that the parachute wasn't to be dragged off the carport, that it need to be thrown up into the air if it was going to work at the exact time furry #4 jumped or was coaxed into jumping.
Anyhow, furry #4 was a little hesitant about jumping,
and this made the timing of throwing the chute into the air almost impossible. Well it was decided on the count of 3 that furry # 4 would be assisted in "jumping" off the roof.

On the count of 3, furry #4 was sent plummeting to the ground, and the chute skywards. Next thing the chute catches on the roof and furry 4 is suspended above the ground.

Well, it turns out that furry #4 was a little too heavy to hoik
back onto the roof.

So we decided that we'd go and rescue him from the ground. I mean there were three really good reasons for rescuing him.

1). He was screaming his tits off
2). We'd be killed for leaving him hanging there

3). We had further "experiments" we'd needed to cover off on this particular Saturday, and he’s input (well body at least) was required.

So we got the ladder from Pop's shed, I climbed up, and wouldn't you know it, all I could do from here was grab his feet. So as any self-respecting brother would do, I hung off his feet to see if I could get it to "give" a little more.

Well it didn't & in fact all this succeeded in doing was to make him scream loader, bloody sook! So we had to confess. Well Furry #2 was sent in to see what condition Poppa was in & thankfully he was 1/2 cut so this meant 2 things. Firstly he'd say to Nanna, "Aw leave 'em alone, that's what boys do" & secondly he'd feel brave & confident enough to rescue Furry # 4 himself.

Well as sure as shit sticks to shag pile carpet, (sweet Aussie saying). Poppa went up the ladder, furry # 4 was now feeling the ill effects of our experiments into space travel & the effects of zero gravity on a 2 1/2 year old,
and was now in full song and very animated, (kicking like a bitch possessed).

In the protest, furry # 4 lands a perfectly timed kick to the chops on Poppa, who reals backwards, falls heavily & lands perfectly on the concrete path.

Well, we have Poppa bleeding from the mouth, missing 2 teeth, (his only remaining two teeth that he actually grew), and complaining that movement was both near impossible,
and extremely painful, (did I mention that he wasn't talking to quietly either)?

All the while we still had furry # 4 protesting about his imminent planned re-entry & about how long he was still required to orbit earth.

It's about here that Nanna over reacts & also starts to carry on, I mean everyone who's seen Apollo 13 knows how you're supposed to react. It would have been much more acceptable to say, "Houston, we have a problem".

I mean, yes he was hanging like a pinyarda (is that how its spelt?), but we weren't hitting him with stick, yet anyway, to see if he was filled with lollies that would fall out of his butt. That was next week’s experiment for Christ sake.

So it falls upon me to ring for help. So I pick up the phone, dial 000 (Aussie equivalent of 911) and they ask me if I want Police, Fire or Ambulance.

I reply, “I don't know, who gets little brothers who are stuck on a roof and crumpled Poppas off the ground”?

They answer, “I think we'll give you over to the Ambos”.

This came about because when he suggested the fire brigade come out, I asked “didn't something need to be on fire for the firemen to come out?”

I mean if that's what it takes to get a fire engine out the front of your house its a small price to pay & a sacrifice I was willing to make, as was furry #2 & #3. It was simply a matter of finding something we didn’t like & set fire to it.

So it's a lovely discussion I had with a very nice man, he also suggested that the send the fire brigade over "just to have a look", and maybe a policeman or 2. Well it was no later than 2 minutes and the first of three fire engines turn up, followed by 2 ambulances & 2 police cars.

Poppa is diagnosed with a broken collarbone, hip & leg, & that was really cool. I still held the record for the most number of broken bones in one hit (refer to superman story), but for big bones, that had to be a new record!

Furry # 4 was eventually released from his "holding pattern" over the Earth’s surface & yes, there were a couple of bruises & a few grazes. But hey, Furrys #1, 2 & 3 didn't feel anything.

Poppa was loaded into the back of one of the ambulances, Furry # 4 was given a "clean bill of health", although, all of the firemen, ambulance & policemen were a little doubtful about the furry #4's ability to actually tie his own knots.

Eventually, the respective fire engines, police cars & ambulances disappeared.

Furry's parents were called about the incident, and this is where Furry's 1, 2 & 3 discovered that gravity actually does hurt, when Furry's father appeared at Nanna’s & Poppas we weren't able to sit for a while let me tell you.

Well, that's about it, over time all wounds healed. On the up side, no animals were hurt in this story, (zombie chicken was in a later incident) but that's a story form a previous post.

See Ya

Uncle Furry

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Furry The Builder

Ok, guys. I was away with my kids last week, so you only got one chronicle. So invoke the SOP, which you should all be familiar with by now and we'll get started. Like in the previous story, this takes place when I was a young Furry, living in a new housing estate. Well, as with any property development, houses started to be built. It was in the days when there were no fences around these sites. No one broke windows, no one pinched stuff.

The builders didn’t care if they turned up to work & there was a dozen kids running around the house with guns built from off cuts of wood & dropped nails, playing war. Shit, you could even have lunch with them, or at least, I used to.

You see, I was getting paid a shilling (one bob, 10 cents) for collecting all the off cut wood & rubbish & piling it up out the front. It was also in the days when builders used handsaws, hammers & nails. So there were always the dropped nails on the ground where these guys worked.

Well I started keeping an empty nail box or two. I’d pick up the dropped nails, clean them on my T-shirt if required, and then started filling up the empty nail boxes. When my builder mates returned, I presented them with a full box of “recovered” nails. The older builder (obviously the boss) asked me where I got them.

“Off the ground all around here & inside the house”, I informed him. Then I told him how they were cleaned, (by wiping them on your shirt of course) and repacked exactly like they were when he got them from the shop, (ie all the nails standing up, one point up, one point down).

“When’d you do this?” he asked,

“After you went home” I replied.

He was so wrapped and I got 3 bob a box for recovered nails.

Mum came over early in the piece & said to the builders “If he’s any trouble or getting in your way, just send him home”. The boss Builder replied, “Naw he’s alright missus, no problem at all”.

It then got so bad that my Mum hated the weekends, because I couldn’t “go to work” and spent the day walking around the house in a shitty mood. So, instead of having me carry on & being miserable, she’d send me off to the sites & clean up and recover nails anyway.

That suited me because my working days were getting busier because I was helping “hold stuff” while they got nailed to the wall. Or moved planks of wood (floor boards) around the rooms for my builder mates to nail down. I even went out to the Ute to get hammers, saws, levels, and all sorts of cool stuff.

It got to the point that Mum used to pack me sandwiches, frozen cordial in a bottle & off to work I’d go at 6.55am in the morning, with my little TAA (now defunct Aussie airline) bag my Poppy gave me.

The drive to work was never a problem for me; you’d just walk across the paddocks. Even better, the guys would sometimes also have to buy lunch, (because morning tea was eaten for breakfast, lunch was eaten for morning tea, so something had to replace the now relocated original lunch).

On these days they’d “shout” lunch for me as well. And that something else that replaced the original lunch was a meat pie & tomato sauce (or in Aussie slang, “Dog’s eye & dead horse”).

Man, these were the BEST, big chunks of meat (beef), gravy & quite often, home made tomato sauce. As opposed to the over processed crap we eat today. Imagine, two or three big burly blokes, (were talking mid 1960’s here), overalls, flannel shirt, boots, sitting on boxes & the like, eating meat pies & drinking soft drink, with a little “Mini-me”, dressed almost exactly the same, copying them letter perfect.

The guys were so taken to have a Mascot that Mrs Boss made me a pair of overalls, one of the other blokes brought me a flannel shirt & mum brought me a pair of black gum boots, (there wasn’t steel cap boots available in size “Mini-me” in those days).

So yeah, if you ever wondered when a Furry starts to become a Furry, it’s probably at birth. I mean this story was when I was about 4 ½ to 5 years old. It was before playstations, Xboxes & personal computers.

It was before I knew what Wars really were & had no idea what a Terrorist was. It was when I was young & innocent.

It was well before I knew how to “blow shit up”. It was well before I was trained to live off the land & make things that go bang out of kitchen products, and things you’d find in a farm shed.

It was before I was trained to be a “homeland” terrorist should we be invaded, come under attack & become separated behind the lines. It was well before the attacks in London and Bali & those on September 11,would make me feel dirty.

I’ll apologise here & now for forcing the readers to sit & wade through what was probably a mountain of boring shit. I know it’s not the usual “tongue in cheek, blow shit up, injuring & crippling of little brothers” stories of my past, but today, that just seems a little to disrespectful. I just wanted to remember when I was innocent, once, a long time ago.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First Mate "Cuddles"

OK everyone today seems to be a bit of a struggle. I’ve been crook with the flu all week, given it to PG, because I love her & we share stuff. Like she wore one of my shirts to work yesterday, so I gave her my flu. Fair is fair. Yeah?

However, I don’t really think she’s overly happy with me for sharing the flu with her, go figure. It’s a little bit difficult to think about humorous things with, like this cloud hanging overhead.

But, as PG always reminds me, laughter IS the best medicine, so, with this in mind, lets invoke the SOP’s & the addition of rule 101.

For any newbies reading this for the first time, I’ll explain ‘em to you. Those who want a drink, glasses in the cupboard, coffee mugs next to ‘em, kettle on the bench, white wine & the milk are in the fridge, red in the pantry, bourbon in the cupboard, ice in the freezer.

While you’re up, some one grab Uncle Furry a big glass, chuck in ½ a dozen ice cubes, fill it up with bourbon. Pull up a bit of floor & relax for another installment of the Furry Chronicles.

These stories go way back, when Furry wasn’t even going to Primary School. We, (Mum, Dad & Furry) moved into a new estate in Keon Park, and were one of the two first houses in the area.

There were paddocks everywhere. We lived directly across the road from Burbank Primary School, which was my first school I ever went to. There were roads all around so I could ride my bike, (bicycle), flat out (as fast as possible) around the court behind my parent’s house.

Anyway, being an only child at the time, and there not being any other houses, let alone kids around, one had to play with imaginary friends. Cuddles my Cocker Spaniel was my partner in crime.

The best thing my Father ever did for me was he somehow got his hands on an old wooden motorboat, (there was no motor & the thing was rotting under my very feet), but as a little boy, it became my palace.

This boat was a Destroyer one day, next a Battle Ship, then a sailing skip, next day an old Tea Cutter, next it was an aircraft carrier, (even became a sub on a few occasions, mostly after a good rain).

Cuddles was my first mate, but sometimes the only order “First Mate Cuddles” would effectively undertake was the command to “sleep”. Lucky the boat was firmly sitting on its keel with 100% contact with good old mother earth, because there were occasions where her refusal to follow a direct order almost got her keelhauled!

Now, the first part of the story takes shape, this particular day young Furry was belting around the court on his pushie, when he attempted to “brake & corner”. Unfortunately it was a little too late & at a pace just a little to quick.

Being a Furry, and not always learning from previous life’s experiences, it's something I'm guilty of doing a couple of thousand times since, on things a whole shit load quicker & heavier.

Anyway the pace caused the front wheel to wash out & young Furry to "kiss the asphalt”. The tyre rolled off the rim & that forced young Furry to walk home, missing a considerable amount of “bark” (skin) & what looked to be a fair amount of sap (blood) flowing from all the new grazes.

Well, it was always easier & quicker to walk through the paddocks. Picture a little Furry, dragging his wrecked pushie along, heaps of bark missing, sap flowing, tears, snotty nose & dirt all over. All I needed was a bandage around my head, (I had the limp going as well), and I would’ve resembled a walking wounded from the Civil War.

Feeling ABSOLUTELY miserable, when all of a sudden, I struck gold. There it was, in all its glory, absolutely magnificent, a toy gun.

Well as any respecting Furry would do, I picked it up. Now there wasn’t a house in the area that had another kid, not for miles anyway, so it was definitely a case of “finders keepers”.

Now this was a beaut, (wonderful thing), and heavy, like you’d better believe it!

They just don’t make toys like this any more! Home I go, at a million miles an hour, throw the bike in the shed, have totally forgotten about the previous "crippling pain" & summoned “First Mate Cuddles” and off we sail.

I spent the afternoon fighting the battle of Midway, Pearl Harbour & the Malta blockade, all at the same time, single-handed, and of course, winning. The missing bark & the drying sap all adding to the ill effects of war.

For hours I was busy, with my new toy. IF it were capable of firing rounds the barrel would have been glowing red hot.

My father turned up after a day at work to see his urchin of a son, deep in play, and “First Mate Cuddles” faithfully following the “fast a sleep” order she’d obviously received earlier that afternoon.

“Where’d you get that boy?” my Father asked.

“In the paddock, no where near anywhere” was my chuffed reply.

“Can I have a look at it?” dear Dad asked.

“Yep, but it’s mine & I want it back” demanded young Furry.

These were the terms & conditions of inspection and as far as Furry was concerned they were “Not Negotiable”

“You know, I’ve got a friend who would be really interested in just having a look at this, it would make him very happy to see this. Can I call him & just keep it ‘til he gets here? I’d hate for it to get broken before he could get a good look at it” dear Dad announced after quite a detailed inspection.

Well that wasn’t well received, but negotiations with rewards of both fireworks (5 bobs worth, or fifty cents in today’s speak) AND 2 bob (twenty cents) of mixed lollies sealed the deal.

Well fuck me, it turned out that Dad’s friend was a Policeman, and he was very interested in my gun & where it was found. So were his Police mates, who came down, put sticks in the ground, and tape all around the place.

Years later I was told it was a 9mm Luger, (Second World War German Pistol) & there was a round (live bullet) in the chamber. Almost a full clip (magazine), as well. Thankfully the rust was sufficient that I couldn’t pull the trigger with my little hands.

Turned out, it was a suspected murder weapon. Good news, yeah right! The Policeman was sufficiently wise to bring over ANOTHER toy gun, which he swapped with mine, plus the initial 70 cents my Dad owed me was matched cent for cent by the Policeman. $1 worth of fireworks took me (and Dad) a whole week to discharge.

However 40 cents of lollies took no time, but made me soooooo sick.
